One of the most common phrases I hear from my friends and clients is: “I just want to get rid of all their toys! They are all over the place!!” While that is tempting at times, kids need their toys! Playing is their full time job; they are learning so much as they play. They can also learn so much as they help maintain organization systems made just for them! The following are some tips to help you get started!
Make things simple! Sure, in your craft room you might want to sort things meticulously but when it comes to your child’s toys the systems you put in place are not for you-they’re for them! My advice: organize using general categories. For example, rather than separate out cars from trucks and planes, put them all together in a category of “things that go.”
Label! For kids that can read, use words on your label. If your child doesn’t know how to read yet, use a picture label! I think it’s fun to google coloring pages of whatever toy category you have and print it out. Then, let your child color it, cut it out and attach it to the bin. When you make your child a part of the organizing process, they are more likely to help keep it up!
Declutter! Go through toys once or twice a year to get rid of anything your child doesn’t love to play with anymore. A great time to do this is around birthdays and Christmas. Letting go of things they don’t really love is easier when they are about to get new toys or just got some new toys. You can even help them understand that the toys they are giving away will go to another child who will be so happy to play with them! Knock out two life skills with one stone: decluttering and giving!
The last and possibly most important tip-be consistent! Skills and habits are not formed overnight so don’t expect your child to maintain their toy organization in the blink of an eye! Be patient, clean up alongside them and keep encouraging them to do a little more each week.
Happy Organizing,
Camille Cazier
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