Organizing with an Attitude of Gratitude

Have you ever felt a little confused during the holidays? I mean, November is a month dedicated to gratitude. We have a national holiday all about giving thanks but then less than 24 laters there are mobs of people pushing and shoving to buy stuff. Where did we go wrong? 


One of the lessons I was constantly taught growing up was to take good care of my possessions. If I did this, they would last longer and I would enjoy them more. When I started my business as an organizer, I thought about this concept more deeply. If we can truly feel gratitude for the things we own, we will take better care of them. We will realize that the things we no longer love can be cared for by someone else and have an easier time letting go of things that we may have loved at one point but no longer hold significance or use for us now. 


How would you approach the holidays with its screaming deals and constant promotion of all the stuff you need if this was your attitude? Would you maybe spend less money this year on new things and instead spend more time enjoying those possessions you already own? Would you teach your children that as they gain new toys, they could make others happy by letting go of old toys that they are only holding on to because they occasionally play with it or they just don’t want someone else to have them?


Let’s work on fostering an attitude of gratitude for what we already have, what we gain, and what we let go of. As we do so, our outlook on our homes and the things inside of them will start to shift and we will be better prepared to appreciate and be grateful rather than want and long for the things we might just be better off without.


Happy Organizing,

