Decluttering 101: Part Two

Today is tip number two to help you in your decluttering efforts! If you missed the first part of this 3-week series, you can read it here.

Paper is one of the largest clutter culprits. It finds its way into your home from a myriad of sources. The following tip should be used as often as needed. The more often you declutter paper, the less time it will take since it doesn’t have time to start piling up.

Tip number two:

Set a timer or turn on a show, music, a podcast, etc. and gather as much paper as you can find that is just lying around your house. (If you have an empty cardboard box, that would be perfect to corral it all in.) Have your recycling bin and shredder at hand. Go through the box, looking at each paper and decide if you need it or not. If you don’t, throw it in the recycling bin or shredder if it has private information on it. If you do need it, can you take a picture of it to store on your phone? If so, snap that picture and recycle away! If you do need to keep it, put it in a pile to be filed or put wherever you keep all your important papers! (We’ll talk more about paper filing another day!)

It’s quite simple in principle but oftentimes daunting to begin. If you don’t get through all of your papers in one sitting that is still a victory! Progress is progress and the next time you sit down to declutter papers it will go faster and smoother!

What do you say? Could you do this today? Imagine how much lighter you’ll feel when you do!

Happy Organizing!

Camille Cazier